Bring your little ones along to Tiddlers Play Cafe where they will become astronauts and explore different worlds! This session has been designed for children up to the age of 5 with a heavy emphasis on sensory development and interaction.
Inspired by Scarborough Lights, the sessions will consist of 3 parts:
- Space and underwater themed craft activity: Participants will be invited to decorate the rocket that will guide them on the story time journey.
- Space and underwater themed movement and song workshop: Participants will be taught a recurring rhyme and movement that powers the rocket that the astronauts follow around the space to explore the different worlds.
- Space and underwater themed immersive and interactive story time: Participants will follow a story through the space and take part in interactive activities, for example digging to find sea creatures in a sandbox, finding stars in edible jelly and counting them together, making space rocks from tin foil and exploring sound through objects (shakers made from bottles and rice etc.)